1 definition by Organicmoon

It's a word we all know and a word misused. Racism is hatred, ignorance, idiotic, misunderstanding, and labeling. Who you are should not be defined by the color of your skin, but what you do and how you do it. There are no different races, there are different cultures, and that is what makes us different. And that is where racism takes place. We judge and discriminate before we get to know and understand who they are. Some are closed minded, and believe to be superior to another. And there is lies the problem. No one is. For all men, women, and children are created equal and should be treated as such. Everyone has feelings, dreams, and aspirations to be somebody, to do something important in their lives, and one day might face harsh prejudices in their life that makes it almost impossible to accomplish their dreams. It falls only onto us to stop dividing people, making judgments and stereotypes of people, and to understand we are one race, and that is the human race which has different cultures. Everyone is human and we are on this planet together, the ignorance of racism, the hatred, the violence between each other must be stopped to live peacefully together.
Racism is when someone stereotypes another culture and is used as an insult to degrade them.
by Organicmoon December 6, 2014
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