2 definitions by Oldrego

Safe, (yet) Not For Work.

A tag for things that show no explicit sexual content, but still contains content you don't want to access at your workspace.

An example would be a lime fanfiction.
Bill: "Hey, Ted, have you heard of that one fanfic called 'Butter me Up: A Paula Deen Adventure'?"

Ted: "...One quick question, is that SNFW, or NSFW?"

Bill: "She has sex with Gordan Ramsey."

Ted: "NSFW it is then, good f****** lord."
by Oldrego April 7, 2017
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A term used to describe someone who knows a lot about many things, but, with the second tag "master of none" added it transforms into a derogatory phrase meant to emphasize how mastery of one skill is important for deeper knowledge.

However, one, oft forgotten tag is the third one: "is oftentimes better than a master of one". Instantly, the term reverses meaning, symbolizing how a person who knows a lot about many things that integrates their skills allows them to surpass even a master of one.

Interesting phrase, nonetheless.
"Man, Tom knows a lot! He's a jack of all trades, aint he?"

"Yeah, but he probably doesn't know a lot about specifics. You know how it goes: Jack of all trades, master of none."

"Jack of all trades, master of one, is oftentimes better than master of one, man. Tom's pretty smart."
by Oldrego March 10, 2017
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