2 definitions by Ok boomer____________

The girl who I am in love with even though I have a boyfriend and she knows she is my ex and we cheated on each other and even though I apologized a lot she still broke up with me and I don't blame her then she became my best friend and we were really close until one night I stayed the night at her house and we started to do things and give each other hickeys and stuff then she changed her mind when I was about to go down on her and I completely respected that and was going to sleep on the box spring on the ground but it was super uncomfortable so my dumbass decided to leave so I go and now she hates me for leaving she says awful things to me but all I do is say "ok I am so sorry and I love you" this also happens to be what a simp is
Azreal is honestly one of the best people I know despite the things she says and Azreal is a pothead.
by Ok boomer____________ May 5, 2020
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A girl who you will put all your time and effort into but she will not do the same she is a player and a pothead but I love her so what the hell.
Wow azreal always looks so hot.
by Ok boomer____________ April 23, 2020
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