3 definitions by OddGirl

The newest concept in New Orleans culture. Thanks to the oil spill courtesy of British Petroleum and the always on top of it blubberment.
Bush had Katrina, Barry (Obama) has got an oily sheen on his face. Not to mention the Army Corps(e) of Engineers and their ever continuing lowest bidder blunders.

We thank the gods for the Coast Guard, they understand and yet they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

New Oilyans is no place to be a federal official of any type!!
by OddGirl July 6, 2010
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lawyers who become politicians for profit and power
He was tired of being just a 2 bit lawyer, he wanted to go to D.C. and become a lawtician.
by OddGirl December 5, 2008
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when government is more about the almighty dollar than the people they serve.
After the 4 trillion dollars gets voted the only fat we'll see is in the Blubberment.
by OddGirl March 12, 2009
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