2 definitions by Nbenisasnack81

Also known as brendina when on a period, he believes that sailing is a sport (it’s not) and he does not know what the poop sock is. He has never touched his peepee, and is homophobic and secretly gay at the same time. He reads many books about sex but does not know what they mean. He probably likes sucking toes. He’s got the thiccest calves in the entire world but is the kid that would wear a swim shirt. He drops his 1000 lb backpack everywhere, and it has been stolen at least 29 times and counting. Most likely to stay a virgin for life and be recasted for the role of 40 yr old virgin (he says version btw). Will grow a 1970s pervert mustache and whenever he dosent understand something he will hit you with all his strength which is exactly nothing.
A natural Bredon in his wild habitat will cry over his 99% on his math test and will succ the teachers small peepee to get a 100
by Nbenisasnack81 October 21, 2019
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nben is an abosolute tank that will come to your house and molest your small child. If you own an nben you are very lucky because he will terminate all of your enemies. If there is anyone named dominic at your school or work though he will walk over to them and rip their head off with his massive arms.
if I had an nben you would be sorry u ever messed with me
by Nbenisasnack81 October 9, 2019
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