2 definitions by Naztrodamus

Flexception is when one "flexes" appearing or acting bigger than he/she really is, whether it would be financially, physically or mentally. For example, taking a selfie or picture next to a vehicle or property that is not yours. A "Flexception" is doing this (flexing) under certain circumstances such as being on vacation or somewhere at sometime no one can call you out on your bullshit. Example, a vacation in Vegas where you stayed at the holiday inn but posted pics of you checking into the Bellagio.
I really didn't want to take a selfie at the jewelry store with all this jewelry on, but I made a Flexception.
by Naztrodamus February 16, 2018
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To act over exited and abnormally energetic, as if you are wired on a boosting drug, not being able to sit still, nervous and restless. Uncontrollable, like a child with a severe case of adhd.
Man, you need to call down and stop shivering!

(Watches friend rip up a napkin at a restaurant out of restlessness). "SHIVERING!"
by Naztrodamus December 27, 2016
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