1 definition by NO_SLAVE

Fluxomed, Misled, Frustrated by inaccuracies, withholding of monetary information or resources and non transparency in dealing with BitCoin.

MT.Gox.com once handled 90% of the total worldwide Bitcoin to Dollar exchange. After the complete user data base was stolen through a hack, or security breach, the site was shut down, and for days on end relaunching was postponed, leaving 61000+ users clueless as to whether they would ever retrieve their millions in dollars or bitcoins.
example: "That jerk sold me a NVDA graphics card, hes got my BTC, and I have no NVDA graphics card. He keeps emailing me though, Ive been totally GOXED!!!" (or "this is a GOXY situation")
by NO_SLAVE June 24, 2011
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