1 definition by N.A.Gal

First I think I need to clarify things. I go to Norfolk Academy and we don't live up to any of your accusations . We do NOT look down on people that are less privileged , and we are NOT all stuck up . Just because we have the money to get the best education we can doesn't make us rich . It just means we made education one of the top things that we are willing to sacrifice other frivolities for. Yes, N.A. is a mostly white community , but I'm living proof that it's not just whites that go to N.a. they're Blacks like me , Hispanics, Asians, Indians, and more nationalities. And I don't understand why anyone would say mean things about the students,like how we won't go anywhere in life. I'm sorry you didn't get go to an amazing school like N.A. ,I really am....but it's not acceptable to put other people down just because you have issues ! Lots of the time people are on financial aid,which helps a lot , I know from personal experience.
Norfolk Academy is a really kool skool, and I'll be excited to go to return for middle school there this year!!!
by N.A.Gal July 30, 2011
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