3 definitions by Mystery_critic_942

pupul gyada

It is an Armenian slang for Korean Girl. Since Korean girls like to go down on guys they are known for having that name.
Guy 1: hey did you see Jina last night?

Guy 2: yeah bro, she’s a pupul gyada
by Mystery_critic_942 February 25, 2021
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yeah dood

It’s the superior way of saying yes when agreeing with a friend or congratulating a friend on a big achievement!
Me: “Aye Dood! Is Yuna hot?”
Friend: “Yeah dood!”

Me: “Yuna likes my photo on IG”
Friend: “yeah dood!”
by Mystery_critic_942 September 15, 2019
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A biracial male of Asian and Caucasian descent. It is common for a dood to have an Asian mom and a white dad. Sometimes the other way around. They tend to be very skinny or super ripped because they don’t store any body fat due to their genetics. They are too white washed to speak their Asian parent’s native language. They could pass as either white or Asian depending on which of their genes are dominant. You will never know when you’ll come across a dood. That’s always a huge mystery.
Friend 1: you know tommy Chong is a dood?
Friend 2: what?

Friend 1: yeah, he’s half white and half Asian, therefore he’s a dood.
by Mystery_critic_942 February 26, 2021
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