2 definitions by MutantMoxx

The highest degree of awesomeness possibly able to be obtained.
You built a robot dinosaur with missile launchers and a flamethrower that can outrun a Ferrari for the school science fair? Coolitudinosity.
by MutantMoxx January 23, 2012
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'Everybody But You is a Fuckwit'. Response to commentors who, after the fact, are suddenly condescending experts on the topic at hand.

Alternately: E(by)IAF.
in response to a news article on volcanic eruption that killed 20,000 people in far away place

Commentor A: Those dumbasses should have known better than to build their houses downhill from a volcano. Serves them right.

Commentor B: EBYIAF.
by MutantMoxx June 30, 2016
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