2 definitions by Mr.steelrod

A dickhead who hangs out at Royal Comedy Theatre.
Person 1: Hey, man, I want coke but no one is picking up.

Person 2: I guess we'll have to go try to score at Royal, and put up with the Royal-fags.

Person 1: That place is even worse than Comedy Bar now. Royal-fags are so annoying.
by Mr.steelrod January 30, 2023
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A dickhead who hangs out at Royal Comedy Theatre.
Person 1: Hey, man, I want coke but no one is picking up.

Person 2: I guess we'll have to go try to score at Royal, and put up with the Royal-fags.

Person 1: That place is even worse than Comedy Bar now. Royal-fags are so annoying.
by Mr.steelrod January 30, 2023
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