2 definitions by Mr. Bone Nerr

The sexiest, most 5000000iq yute you will ever meet. A Mareczek has more braincells than particles of sand on Earth. If you ever meet a Mareczek, trust him with ur life and you wont be disapointed. Mareczek's are also pro gamers that hard carry everyone they play with.
OMG, hes so smart, he must be a Mareczek.
by Mr. Bone Nerr March 29, 2021
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Kacperek's are always chunky big boyz and love money. They always act gay around the boyz, but obsess about every girl that talks to them. They love to game, but rage very easily. All in all, they can be great people but can sometimes be extremely toxic and annoying.
Stop being so toxic, ur acting like a Kacperek.
by Mr. Bone Nerr April 6, 2021
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