2 definitions by Mr. White.V

uh huh-ah huh

The difference between two agreements one of like ah huh and one of less truth
Two type's of agreements... Uh huh-ah huh.

Hey Joe.... Chris ... you know know Joe right ?
Chris... Ah huh.. Like
Joe.. Uh huh.. Less truth
by Mr. White.V September 10, 2018
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ah huh

Ah huh... Used when just agree out of surprise or totally agree

Also used when agreeing to a entertaining idea

Or used when you want to mess around and urge someone to agree to something you like or believe
Hey did you see my key's

Jill... Ah huh...there in the bathroom


You want to have a little fun tonight

Brooklynn.... No !

Tony... Ah huh ... It will be fun
by Mr. White.V September 9, 2018
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