3 definitions by Mr. Dr. Prof. Phil

A large cannon, typically wielded by a pony DJ, That uses high frequency noise and extremely fast paced bass to carve out large areas of land that people ( or ponies ) that pissed them off recently stood on.
Damn, Did you see that jackass cranky get obliterated by that bass cannon?
by Mr. Dr. Prof. Phil July 11, 2016
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A large cannon, typically wielded by a pony DJ, That uses high frequency noise and extremely fast paced bass to carve out large areas of land that people ( or ponies ) that pissed them off recently stood on.
Damn, Did you see that jackass cranky get obliterated by that bass cannon?
by Mr. Dr. Prof. Phil July 11, 2016
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A large cannon, typically wielded by a pony DJ, That uses high frequency noise and extremely fast paced bass to carve out large areas of land that people ( or ponies ) that pissed them off recently stood on.
Damn, Did you see that jackass cranky get obliterated by that bass cannon?
by Mr. Dr. Prof. Phil July 11, 2016
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