1 definition by Mr. Clean but smaller..

Rarer than Sasquatch, scarier than the case of herpes you got from that one night stand with that basic bitch or basic bro or some shit, the B-WAC is a Big White American Cock. Pronounced “bee wack”, the word stems from a night filled with to many Coors Lights and Copenhagen lips. A rarity amongst the white folk, the B-WAC’s are out there lurking in the shadows, waiting to be revealed. We are all rooting for you, you big scary son of a bitch.
Basic Girl 1: “OMG, how was your night?!”
Basic Girl 2: “You won’t believe me, but he had a B-WAC and it was.... AMAZING!!?!?!!?”

Frat Boy 1: “Bro, you got had to many Smirnoffs last night and got naked by the pool. I didn’t know you were hiding a B-WAC under those khakis. Congrats!”
by Mr. Clean but smaller.. July 5, 2018
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