17 definitions by Mr Wolf

Italian goods manufactured in China. Sold on the premise that they are Italian, but actually come from China.
My wife fell in love with a pair of Italian boots, but was disappointed to find they were Chitalian.

That chick was hot in her Chitalian leather coat.

After paying a heap of money for those Italian heels, Suzie was pissed to find they were Chitalian.
by Mr Wolf May 1, 2011
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City titties are the raised, reflective markers used to separate city traffic lanes. They make the distinctive thump, thump, thump, sound as you drive to the outer edges of a lane. They assist the daydreaming or drunk driver that they are going adrift in a sea of concrete.
Mr Wolf gets super annoyed when a driver rides the city titties hard and cause the passengers dental filings to fall out.

After leaving the bar, Kimster used the city titties to get out of the city to the safety of country roads.

Steve is convinced that city titties were put on the road to piss him off daily.

by Mr Wolf January 24, 2008
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Someone who doesn't text while driving, but does only while stopped at a red light. Figures this is the safest way to text "while driving."
Kirstyn is always red light texting. Never on the move, only while stopped. Her parents are greatly relieved.

After a close call in traffic, Pansy stopped texting and became a red light texter.
by Mr Wolf January 27, 2010
Coins that you see or find on the ground that have been exposed to the elements so long they are black (cajun cooking does a lot of "blacked" this or that).
"Grandpaw was looking for money and he found some cajun coins, a quarter and three pennies."

"I barely saw the cajun nickle on the ground cause it was so dark."

"They may be black, but cajun coins spend as good as shiny ones."
by Mr Wolf September 1, 2007
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When discussing Indians there is often confusion about who you're talking about, native Americans or people from India. To clarify the matter you can ask, "Dot or feather?" The feather refering to native Americans or dot, referring to the red dot worn by Indian women.
Judy said, "I was downtown and a large group of Indians were in the park."
Chesney replied, "Indians? Dot or feather?"
Judy replied, "Feathers."

Steve said, "There's a new Indian TV channel on Direct."
Tilt replied, "Dot or feather?"
Steve, "Dot, lots of dots."
by Mr Wolf September 7, 2007
A popular person in the music, movie, or TV industry who has it all but whose life has gone to shit. Usually not one odd scenario, but manages repeated odd behaviors. Also popwrecks tend to be well known by the law and paparazzi.
"Owen Wilson is the latest popwreck to go over the cliff."

"The popwreck, ho-lebrity trio of Britney, Lindsy, and Paris are making news again."

"Thank god Robert Downey Jr is no longer such a popwreck."

by Mr Wolf August 29, 2007
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Reference to any sports related figure that had money, fame, endorsements, and a future. Then they proceed to trash it all on some sort of criminal activity.
"Did you hear how that NBA referee Vicked Up?"

"The dude Vicked Up his career with the Dallas Cowboys.

"Who will be the next player to Vick Up their career?"

"Nike is going to add a Vicked Up clause in thier endorsement contracts."
by Mr Wolf August 21, 2007
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