2 definitions by Mr Modulus

Money, but it's not real, because it's in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin...
Now that I quit my job I've just been smoking weed, coding, and making cryptoloot.
by Mr Modulus January 10, 2018
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To smoke the herb...marijuana. But the word should only be used to indicate that you plan on smoking when you are within hearing distance of an anti-smoker. The idea is to keep your pot smoking identity secret by using sneaky terms.
(you're talking on the phone with a friend and you're mom is in the kitchen nearby)
You: Hey wats up bro...got any plans for today?
Friend: Actually, I'm bored out of my skull...what could we do to kill some time?
You: Well, we could sherb.
Friend: ahhhhhhh...now there's an idea
by Mr Modulus April 5, 2007
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