1 definition by Mr Pukka

An overpriced supposedly "windproof" lighter made in Bradford, PA which is sold primarily overseas due to the fact that every American either doesn't smoke cigarettes or has a box of them that they inherited from their grandfather or uncle. Employees of Zippo are among the highest paid factory workers in Bradford and if you're lucky enough to get employed then you're trapped in the seventh circle of eternal damnation because they know that you're adapted money-making lifestyle can't afford to leave, thus allowing the Satan-Nazi management and HR to screw you over however and whenever they feel fit, which is usually on a daily basis. If you do escape, however, you're left with a empty shell of sanity and a really bad case of carpel-tunnel in both arms.
My friends that work at Zippo all drive new cars but work mandatory overtime 7 days a week and get laid off every 3 months.
by Mr Pukka March 3, 2009
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