1 definition by Mr Flossy

The term swoobing originated from the words 'boob' and 'swooping'.
It derived from the male-dominated sport of spotting and admiring a woman's cleavage or observing those upper-chest-advantaged ladies who are out in public and proud of their endowments. Men would spot the 'boobs' and then 'swoop' past for a better view.
Henceforth, the sport became known as swoobing.

Technical note 1:
Women are known to swoob on other women purely for comparison purposes and/or hate/admiration, while men do it purely for the love of the sport.

Technical note 2:
The sport of swoobing does not condone the verbal/physical harassment of women. It is a non-verbal and non-contact sport.

Technical note 3:
Swoobing can merely involve the subtle suggestion to one's friend to check out a potential 'swoob' forthcoming, or the mutual silent acknowledgment between 'swoober' and 'swoobee' of her great swoob attributes.
"Was there much at Rhodes to look at during lunch?"
"You missed out on all the swoobing playboy. So much swoobing!"
by Mr Flossy February 7, 2010
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