3 definitions by Mons Vesuvius

Noun: What a person becomes when they lack boundaries in a romantic relationship and allow their partner to take advantage of them.
She didn’t even say no when he wanted sex while she had a UTI. She’s a total adore mat.
by Mons Vesuvius July 16, 2023
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Female Friend (he) Formerly Fucked; What a man does when he tries to friend-zone a woman with whom he’s been romantically involved.
He’s trying to four-f her just like he’s done to every other woman he’s slept with, but she’s not having it.
by Mons Vesuvius July 16, 2023
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A hybrid of the humble brag and the thirst trap, the humble trap deploys the appearance of vulnerability and authenticity in social media posts as bait for romantic or sexual conquests.
Social media post: “I’ve been trying to learn how to put contacts in, but it’s hard because my eyelashes are so long.”

Commenter: “Ok, but why are you also shirtless in this video? Is this a humble trap?”
by Mons Vesuvius July 8, 2023
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