1 definition by Mjonesbitchhh

Often mispronounced "Ka-Sall", this last name could be the last one you hear, because when attached to a woman, manipulation will be your way of death. Typically on drugs or drug addiction treatment medications, this name carrier will begin acting as the damnsel in distress, then slowly get you to do things for her. She will mention liking something, in hopes you get it for her. Do NOT expect anything in return. Expect speaks of family, but don't expect to have one with her. She will talk down on then to you, and down on you to them. The Cassell family sticks together, backing each web of lie with another one. She won't let you see your child, but will let other men around them.
Friend 1: hey man, did you see that new Cassell girl?
Friend 2: bro trust me, my friend dated her 4 years ago and he's still telling me women are pieces of sh*t!
by Mjonesbitchhh October 29, 2018
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