2 definitions by Mizuki DA MEANING

the cookie man is the god u shall green eat dirt as much as u can without being an orange hoop
omg! is that A COOKIE MAN POP?!?!?!
by Mizuki DA MEANING December 11, 2019
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Name for a soccer loving person, has good grades and is not like any other kid. He makes clean memes and does not get any detentions (unlike other kids). If you see someone named "Mizuki,"give him some respect. He is a sweaty tryhard if you wanted to ask. The only coolest kiddo in life! He likes to eat grass and oreo cookies from the ground(he accepts 5 second rule). He is cool, sits back and relax and spin fidget spinners all day. Favorite color is RED and likes the taste of blood.
John:"Oh my god! I cannot believe this! Is that a wild MIZUKI."
by Mizuki DA MEANING December 6, 2019
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