3 definitions by Mister Minux

A feeling of ultimate embarrassment. Ten million times stronger than plain ol' embarrassment.
When the store clerk declined my credit card in front of my woman, I was filled with a tremendous feeling of embarrification!
by Mister Minux April 20, 2006
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A feeling of ultimate embarrassment. Ten million times stronger than plain ol' embarrassment.
When the store clerk declined my credit card in front of my woman, I was filled with a tremendous feeling of embarrification!
by Mister Minux April 20, 2006
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So obnoxious that it requires the words "fucking" and "obnoxious" to be fused together into a brand new expletive.
Hey, your eight year old kid is being really fuckoxious.
by Mister Minux April 21, 2006
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