2 definitions by MikeyA456

A misunderstood man who doesn't really know who he is. Though seen as a hero, his shallowness is exstensive. Highly manipulative and insecure he has the ability to hold on to grudges for a long time. Childish in nature and a cheater at almost everything. He is someone you shouldn't ever confide in if you don't want anyone else to know. Usually surrounded by questionable individuals of low character.
Darthanian is a master of deception.
by MikeyA456 December 20, 2016
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Parthinia is a wonderfully beautifully individual. Parthinias are strong and willful and are great sources of advice. They make great parents and are lovers of most. Parthinias make great friends because they are safe places and are grounded even in the midst of their massive creativity.
Parthinia is a representative of light!
by MikeyA456 December 20, 2016
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