3 definitions by Mightyneet

A magical fairy known for building small houses within the walls of houses owned by giants. The giants that own these houses are very angry all the time and are stinky but hildatheknight8 is very swag and doesn't give a shit. Hildatheknight8 are known for being very kind and funny and an elite gamer with skills in building and probably more but I forgot and can't think with these fucking idiots talking as I am typing this.
Ngl hildatheknight8 is very fucking swag.
by Mightyneet May 23, 2023
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A closeted homosexual with a sassy attitude and half a sense of reason. one that goes to parties and instead of getting drunk, plays chess and beer pong with an equally annoying friend or partner. Animecrunch445 or Anime is a common shit poster and spends too much time on random memes. Regardless they are beloved by many.
Animecrunch445 is ugly and proud.
by Mightyneet September 25, 2022
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