4 definitions by MidnightRr

Owner of the worlds best ROBLOX™ Clothing group. He is also an amazing and talented clothing designer and an even more swag friend!
by MidnightRr November 23, 2020
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The best femboy in the world! Other traits include:
- Catboy
- Assistant Manager at Femboy Hooter's

- Urbanuo's Husband
- Good music taste
Midnight: Hey have you heard of Xianety? He's such a femboy uwu
by MidnightRr November 23, 2020
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Midnight: Have you seen Urbanuo? He's such a bunny furry!
by MidnightRr November 2, 2020
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Someone who has an obsession with ducks, cartoons and bullying children on minecraft.
You do not want to pvp him because he sweats so much you'll slip on the floor and die instead.

Also, he is a catboy but wont admit it.
Midnight: Hey neongreenaura wanna pvp?
Neongreenaura: sure loser!

*Midnight gets absolutely decked and soon regrets her life choices*
by MidnightRr May 30, 2021
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