2 definitions by Meely Beendeely

A variation on the classic Enlgish expression 'wow' , originating from the predominantly ghetto settlement of North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Said with grace and poise, an "NK Wow" is a popular form of communication during gang fights.
After Tonsey demonstrated his mastry in the 'Gollum Vocal Style', leaving everyone aghast at his brilliant pwnage, all Tay Tay She She could say was Nk "WOW"
by Meely Beendeely October 10, 2004
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A title worthy for only the Lord High Master of Pwning, Nick himself. Sometimes alotted to other followers, for brief amounts of time, such as Foster, the title belongs to Nick, and Nick only, for all eternity. If one were to try to defy the extent of his Pwning, THE Ultimate Pwnzor has the ability to use his sai and third degree black belt tactics to prove his pwnation.
When Nick plays counterstrike he proves his status as the UlTIMATE PWNZOR.
by Meely Beendeely October 10, 2004
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