1 definition by Meeeeeeee2259

Matok… He is very kind and sweet and someone who loves to make you laugh. They are fun to be around and have amazing personality’s, when they meet someone new they act quiet and keep to themselves but when you get to know them they can be really goofy and wild. Matok’s are very attractive and extremely kind and caring. When you fall in love with one they will love you with all their heart and they will never let you go, they will always make sure you’re always okay and safe and make sure you know they will always love you. Matok’s are very protective and will do anything to protect the ones they hold close. A Matok is the perfect boyfriend who doesn’t care about your flaws and your imperfections he will love you no matter what. They will always show you love and affection and cherish you every single day, they will try their hardest to make you laugh and smile when your feeling down. Matok’s are good listeners who will always remember what you say even if it was said months ago. They will usually talk down on themselves and hate the way they look even though there is nothing bad about them. They will never except the fact that they are good looking and will always call themselves ugly. You should never get on a Matok’s bad side because that will be the worst thing you do and they will make your life a living hell.
Have you heard of this guy Matok he is the perfect guy for you.
by Meeeeeeee2259 November 24, 2021
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