2 definitions by McHardism

an action taken in competitive multiplayer video games wherein the victor of a violent encounter crouches, points his weapon directly vertically and spins in one direction or both alternately.

The twirlbag is a form of teabagging, and similarly suggests an assertion of dominance by way of the winner's testicles being placed into the victim's mouth. In the case of a twirlbag, however, the testes are spun about inside of the mouth cavity.
Hadermann: Ack, that bastard got me with a shotgun. Aw man, he's teabagging me!
Growley: That's alright, I just twirlbagged their team leader. I spun like fifteen times and he had to watch the whole thing because that was his last death of the round.
Hadermann: Thanks, man.
by McHardism May 26, 2016
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Chubbalupagus is a common species of female humanoid native to urban and suburban environments, characterized by excess body weight in the form of wide hips, appreciable fupas, "muffin tops" and various expressions of back fat, flappy arms, thick ankles and a second chin.
Although normally a species considered to be prey and not predator, they often lure mates through online dating services by posting pictures of themselves that distort or entirely conceal their chubby features. It is only when the unsuspecting male meets the chubbalupagus in person that he realizes that he has been tricked by it and must thereby purchase food and drinks and possibly sleep with it.
Jensen: So I hear you have a new girlfriend?
Mack: She's not really a girlfriend?
Jensen: Whatdya mean? Didn't she spend the night at your place the other night?
Mack: She's a chubbalupagus, dude.
Jensen: Ooh, oh. Okay. I don't do that myself. But all the power to ya.
by McHardism January 24, 2012
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