2 definitions by MasterOpieWan

The act of trying to add a word to urbandictionary so that one's creative word-smithing can become immortalized. Coined by Anthony Holden on Facebook late March 2009.
Dude, what the hell does that mean?

Man, I don't know, I just made that shit up.

Well you're one witty mother fucker. You oughtta patent that shit or something.

Dude, I already submitted it to urbandictionary.com for immortalization.
by MasterOpieWan March 26, 2009
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n. a person that listens to, hosts, or otherwise participates in anyway in a webinar. Coined by Alisha Youngblood on Facebook in late March 2009.
Did you dial into the webinar this morning?

Yeah, I am officially a webinator.

When you hang up, does that make you a terminator?

Dude, don't get all philosophical on me.

If you are the instructor for the webinar, does that make you a masterbater?

Shut up and pass that doobie snacks.
by MasterOpieWan March 26, 2009
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