2 definitions by Master Skads

A were-goat creature that is usually completely oblivious to what is happening around it. Tends to be shy, and is scared easily.

Jaelians are adorable creatures, though rarely seen. Goats flock to Jaelians because of their close relation. Jaelians watch out for, and protect their goat tribe.

They hate goat tacos.

And they obsess over the impending zombie apocalypse.
Dude! Did you see that Jaelian over there?

Nah, man. That was just a regular old goat.
by Master Skads December 7, 2010
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A likeable, bagpipe-playing Scot who rarely talks, but always has a funny picture for any given occasion.

Often has to be coerced into speaking, which people do frequently because when an Orbbie does talk, they usually have an awesome accent.

Prefers to communicate through various noises made on the bagpipes.
Man, the guy is so Orbbie. He never talks, but we still somehow all like him.
by Master Skads December 3, 2010
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