1 definition by MarylandRedneck69

A very, very weird place... Severn is filled with: Military people, preps, rednecks (quarterfield and WB & A Road especially), blacks (Disney road, queenstown road, van bokkelen elem. area), Mexicans, and that one asian or indian guy as well. Severn's biggest attractions: Wal-mart supercenter, Chick fil A, and Severn Danza park. The biggest neighborhood would be the Severn Trailer Park. Severn also has around 5-10 confederate flags flying in various houses (i dont really mind rebel flags, but im sure some people do.)

The local schools would be: Meade High School (anyone in severn near Fort Meade, MD), Glen Burnie HS, Old Mill HS (Millersville, aka the truck stop), and a tiny portion is served by Arundel HS. There is literally nothing here besides Walmart, so most people (whether you're white, black, hispanic etc) go to Arundel Mills or Waugh Chapel for entertainment. Severn also has a shit load of churches too.

Overall, this place is OK, you'll survive if you're redneck (Me as an example), a military vet, a black guy or the occasional Hispanic/Asian. I'd give severn an honest 6.5/10, this place needs to have more shit.
severn is the shit, but we do have our flaws.
by MarylandRedneck69 April 1, 2017
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