3 definitions by MarthSillyass

An alternative way of refering to a cigarette lighter.
"Dude, get out your gas chamber and we can spark this big boy!"
by MarthSillyass January 9, 2006
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An activity which young homosexual men with problems of self esteem and identity pursue. The aim is to purposefully contract HIV as a means to suicide, and is often the result of a spike of alchohol abuse combined with a severe mood swing due to unadressed underlying depression/lack of self worth. A horrendously misunderstood activity, which is made worse by lack of awareness.
"Yeah I'm feel pretty crap a lot of the time, and I know I have problems, but I'd never chose to commit suicide"

"oh my god that creep I met up with practically raped me and did'nt even use a condom"

(bug chasing)

See also, gift giving, and crystal meth.
by MarthSillyass January 10, 2006
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