1 definition by Marlock101


A combination of the words Liberal and Mongoloid.

A person who takes everything to a political extreme, even more so than libtards or republitards. They will see the world through a purely political lens. Not all libmongs hold the same political stances, but they all exert the same base reaction to any work. Anything from a work of art to a work of civil construction could be taken to a political extreme.

One example of this would be people who consider the video game Among Us' success to be a work of fascism and non-sexual CNC instead of it's rise to popularity being caused by popular twitch streamers playing it day in and day out.
Person 1: How's Twitter?
Person 2: This libmong is saying that the people who dislike The Last of Us 2 only dislike it because they hate women.
P1: What a degenerate.
P2: Yeah I fuckin' hate libmongs
by Marlock101 September 18, 2020
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