1 definition by Marinerslover99

Colby’s are, for lack of a better word, awesome. They are very attractive. Their hair and their eyes are some of their best attributes. They are most attractive when they are from Seattle, but Colby’s from Austin are also very attractive. They are exceptionally smart, especially with computers. But they are lacking in everyday skills sometimes, for instance they might ask you how to work a retractable dog leash. They are kind, always looking out for you and making sure you’re not just “fine” but “great”. They are the type of people to keep asking you if you’re ok at a scary movie when they know you don’t like them, even if they love them. Colby’s are very funny, but some people say you’re only laughing because you like them. All in all, having a Colby is a 11/10 experience. I recommend you all get yourselves a Colby.
Colby is such an awesome human.
by Marinerslover99 April 25, 2018
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