1 definition by Marhis

Mafia men (mafiosi) are very dangerous criminals, mostly murderers on their own or on commission. The goal of mafia is power, and they achieve this keeping people in deep fear. If you disagree with a mafioso, you'll die. If not you, any other member of your family will, children included, probably more than one.

Mafia has many different "flavours", according to the region they rule in. Mafia in Sicily, 'Ndrangheta in Calabria, Camorra in Campania, Sacra Corona Unita in Puglia. Despite their local differences, they all act under the same criminality pattern: threats, blackmail and murder, sometimes carnages. Their major monetary income is usually by drug dealership.

Don't mistake italian mafia with italian folklore: they're really different issues. Italian mafia is the worst italian calamity.
Who murdered Falcone and Borsellino? Italian Mafia was, whoever else?
by Marhis August 22, 2007
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