3 definitions by Mansour131

When one eats in excess, claiming he or she "forgot" how much they have eaten
Chuck: Who ate all of the cookies?
Guillermo: I only had 3

Chuck: I'm pretty sure you ate them all beacase you were the only one here when they were eaten, it appears you have food amnesia
by Mansour131 August 20, 2009
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When you are on the computer and the hand you use the mouse with gets cold while your other hand remains warm.
Despite having computer hand, Mansour still was on the computer looking for shoes he will never get

Maha: Sour, why do you have only one glove on?
Sour: I was getting computer hand, so I'm hoping this glove will make it go away. Does it make me look like MJ bro?
by Mansour131 January 15, 2010
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When a person makes a grammatical error and you correct them
Robert: Hey Lisa I need to "ax" you a question
Lisa: Did you just say "ax"? I think you mean ask.
Guillermo: Dang Robert Lisa just diction slapped you
by Mansour131 August 20, 2009
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