3 definitions by Manbearpig297

Someone who has an affinity for licking anuses
"Stop licking my ass! Don't be such a Rhona"
by Manbearpig297 November 28, 2014
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Someone who has an affinity for telling terrible stories
Someone who frustates everyone around them
"Hey look it's Rhona, we better leave soon."

"Rhona's telling another story, time to get the hell out of here."
"Did you hear Rhona's story yesterday? Yeah it was really boring"
"This guy is so annoying, what a Rhona"
by Manbearpig297 November 28, 2014
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One who is butthurt and/or causes others to become butthurt.


A police officer
"Dude, stop being so Mattijs right now."

"Sorry dude, my bad, I'm Mattijs"

"Slow down there's a Mattijs over there and you're going 10 over the speed limit"

"Dude, put the blunt down, we're about to drive past a Mattijs"
by Manbearpig297 November 12, 2014
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