1 definition by MagicTheStud

Arsenal is defined as having a surplus of weapon's that is in someones possession. There can be a variety of weapon's in these arsenals. In this instance this arsenal is was a unique one used back in 1886 which was made of manure. These people also called "gunners" would take the manure and stuff a canvas bag (referred as the mouth) as full as they could then tie the top leaving a small hole so they could pack it more just to where it was oozing out of the mouth. They would then take a tiny explosive and inserted it into the mouth. Reports have been made that the men found this to be very funny looking and said it reminded them of something inappropriate I won't name it specifically. They would then light the explosive and with a specially made catapult launch it at the opposing forces. Some men continued the practice after their duty ended.
The_arsenal_gunner1886 were the lowest ranked men who used primitive weaponry, such as the manure catapult.
by MagicTheStud February 16, 2023
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