1 definition by MITCHtheJEW

Swimming is life. The best sport for you. Swimming is the only sport that is good for everybody, no matter the age or physical activity: the only sport that does not put too much pressure on bones and joints (cycling comes close). The only risk of injury in swimming is some sort of tendinitis, like rotater cuff, or cutting hands and fingers on lane lines.

Competitive swimming can get any person into shape, and give you ripped arms, legs, and abs. And we get all the girls. Swimming is the only sport that can force people out of a room because the cheering is too loud and intense, the only sport where guys in speedos is considered hot, and the only sport where the girls will actually jump into the pool after you win. Swimmers practice 12 months of the year, 5 or more days a week, and only take a break for christmas or vacation.

We can swim miles in under 15 minutes, 25 yards in under 20 seconds, 50 or more yards without breathing, and beat anybody at a game of chicken in somebodies backyard pool.
by MITCHtheJEW September 8, 2006
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