1 definition by MC Shammer

La Croix's wealthy, unflavored cousin. People who drink Perrier are either:

1. European;
2. rich to some degree;
3. or an experienced poser.

Pronounced peh·ree·ei. Gross to most Americans. The benefits are that it's filling and purportedly good for a hangover. Still, assuming you're in the U.S., why not just grab a La Croix?
Brent is the kind of guy who orders Perrier wherever he goes, if you know what I mean.

*Bartender brings over a Perrier*

*Takes a small sip, smacks lips*
"Mmm... still water just doesn't compare to Perrier. I first discovered the magic of Perrier in Marseille, where I sucked it out of some French chick's navel after doing a line down her chest. Say, ever been to France?"
by MC Shammer June 18, 2021
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