1 definition by Luke989

Au·burn aw-bern


1. A reddish-brown or golden-brown color.

2. A small, town-like city in the heart of Central New York-- a peaceful land where soldiers, sailors and martians play songs for each other and run naked through the streets. Just kidding about that last part.
Person A: "Excuse me, Sir, may I trouble you with an inquiry as to what your favorite color might be?"
Person B: "The F@#$? Auburn, fool. Auburn. Now GTFO my face!"
Person C: "Wut..?"

Bro 1: "So, uhh... where we goin', guys?"
Bro 2: "Uh... it's 2:00am in The Burn. Where do you think we're going?"
Bro 3: "Le sigh..."
Bro 2: "!@#$ YOU, MAN! We're GOING!"
Brosephine 1: "Welcome to Taco Bell, how are you tonight?"
Bro 1, putting on sunglasses: "Release the doves!"
Fire sauce +7!!!
by Luke989 July 8, 2011
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