4 definitions by Luciano Lovelace

An IT techie nerd type commonly found skulking away in the back offices of IT departments of large companies. Also usually wears glasses and cheap un-ironed shirts (bought by his mother as he doesn't know his own collar size).
by Luciano Lovelace January 27, 2004
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The Pikeybin is more commonly known as the floor.
Schantelle's mum chucked all of her losing scratchcards in the pikeybin.
by Luciano Lovelace August 13, 2004
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A term applying to men who have recently been to the Snip Doctor to have their plums done.
He's currently "riding sidesaddle" but I'm sure he'll back to normal when they've healed up.
by Luciano Lovelace February 4, 2004
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When a god-awful shit-hole of a pub is eventually modernised and converted into a trendy bar with bottled beers, a good choice of wines and jazz-funk sounds, you will always find for the first three or weeks, a small group of legacy chavs huddled into the corner scowling menacingly at the new well-to-do, intelligent, clientele.
I say ruffians, why not re-locate up to the Pit Bull – there you will find draught lager, Sky Sports on the big screen and tattooed chav slappers galore.
by Luciano Lovelace January 29, 2004
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