1 definition by Lou Hick

A rost is the craziest drunk you know. A rost shows up for work at 11 if he feels like it and drinks heavily whenever the mood strikes him. A rost's charismatic drunken ways will win everyone over and have everyone wanting to sleep with him...both men and women. A person is truly lost if they drink excessively and get lost places, either because they took the wrong train or passed out in a park next to a homeless man. A rost also loves drunkenness in others and encourages you to make decisions you regret the next morning.
That guy just slammed his head on the ground after doing a ninja turtle move in the bar...what a total rost.

Last Tuesday, I woke up hungover, after having puked on my feet at the corner bar, crawling home through the rain and taking home whatever hunchback would accept me in this state and Joe, being the rost that he is, told me i still looked beautiful and that this Tuesday he would join me.
by Lou Hick November 9, 2007
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