2 definitions by Lois the Lane

1. A tail created by meringue in a piece of pie
2. It wiggles in your mouth all the way down your throat into your belly, where it lives its little tail life for years to come
3. Good to eat
That chocolate pie had so many pie tails; I can still feel them wigglin' in my belly.
by Lois the Lane November 3, 2009
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1. A term used to describe a person who cannot or will not stop talking, no matter how boring or pointless their topic of conversation is
2. A person who describes to you the antics of their cat, Snowball, until your eyes glaze over
My boss has diarrhea of the mouth; our last conversation involved donkeys, bananas and his obsession with trains.
by Lois the Lane November 3, 2009
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