3 definitions by Litt_girl_21๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ

A beautiful smart, kind person who cares about you and will love you for the rest of your life . Sometimes she can be stubborn but when people mess with her.........you better watch out! If some one says something about her, her best friends will gang up on you like nobodyโ€™s business. Anyways Azurii is an amazing who will be there for you in your worse times and will stay there with you. Azurii is the best friend I could ask her.๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿผ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿผ
Girl #1:Azurii I my boyfriend dumped me .

Azurii: Where he at im bout to beat his a**
by Litt_girl_21๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ January 12, 2018
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A handsome,charming and sweet boy who is just amazing. He has a lot of friends and is very popular so you already know he has a girlfriend. He can show off but when heโ€™s not around his girl heโ€™s a cool dude who is actually really sweet to his girl and knows how to make her heart meltโค๏ธ
Girl 1: Who is that hottie?
Girl 2: Thatโ€™s Wakeem and I call dibs
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A handsome Puerto Rican boy that every girl wants to be with. Heโ€™s soo cute but is with one girl. Heโ€™s also really sweet and kind and cares for his girl. Heโ€™s just a be amazing person and the kind of guy every girl needs.
Omg is that the new boy!
Yeah his name is Wakeem heโ€™s so cute!
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