2 definitions by Lilleh the Troublesome

Gaystring: the awesomoist word ever! It can replace any adjective, noun, verb, pronoun, and practically every word in the english (and possibly others) language. It originally meant 'gangsta'.
"Oh my gosh! That is so gaystring!"
"You just gaystringed all over yourself."
"I gotta gaystring in the tube."
"I just got a brand new gaystring!"
by Lilleh the Troublesome June 8, 2007
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Toilet for women's belly buttons. Originated when water got on someone's belly button area of the shirt. Noun. Used when one needs to pee, and must stick a tube into their belly button. Not meant for outties.
"I have to gaystring in the tube."
"Oh my gosh! That gothic Barbie needs to go to the tube."
by Lilleh the Troublesome June 8, 2007
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