2 definitions by Lil popcorn popper

Correctly written as: P.A.B. This is an abbreviation for Pussy Ass Bitch.

Used to refer to someone who is a Pussy Ass Bitch.

If they are just a pussy it cannot be used.

If they are just an ass it can not be used.

If they are just a bitch it can't be used.

But if while they are being a bitch about something they are also being an ass and a pussy, then this word shall be used in full force.

You are a P.A.B.
Do it you P.A.B.
Quit PABBING around and do her already.
by Lil popcorn popper April 11, 2016
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A squaffle is an attempt to excrete methane gas out of the anal sphincter in secret. Upon being discovered, if the fart remains unclaimed by said squaffler, it is known as a squaffle.

An assumption that someone farted.
Who squaffled?

Yeah I was with her last night and totally had a squaffle. She is still trying to figure out what that smell was.

Dude, I'm pretty sure my girl squaffled last night.
by Lil popcorn popper April 11, 2016
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