1 definition by LifeOfMysery

In life, there will always be someone who is
Than you
But that’s ok
I learned that the hard way
I used to always start in soccer,
But after the coach moved away I didn’t

He always left me out
And I would go home and cry
I didn’t find soccer ‘fun’ anymore
And I wanted to quit
But you can’t let that make you frustrated
There are people in the world who would love to see you fail
And would you want them to see you
Or would you want to prove them wrong
I will admit
There are the bad days
Which make everything in life seem wrong
But they prove who you are
If you crack under pressure

Or rise up
So if there’s one thing I learned in my 13 years
It’s to never give up
If you work hard enough it’s possible.
by LifeOfMysery September 26, 2019
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