3 definitions by Lexi Lanzo

Tiktok is a very popular app where you can make short videos, find music, meet friends, and a lot more! Millions of people use it. Tiktok used to be called musically but in 2018 changed to “Tiktok”Famous people such as, Loren Gray,Baby Ariel,Zoe Laverne and a lot more use tiktok!! (Follow me on tiktok @lexiworld)
Person: “Hey look at this cool app!”
Me: “Yea its called TikTok
by Lexi Lanzo December 15, 2019
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Seamma is a beautiful caring girl. She ALWAYS has a beautiful smile on her face. Seamma always look on the bright aide and keeps her head up.
Person: Look at that girls beautiful smile
Person2: Thats Seamma
by Lexi Lanzo December 15, 2019
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